School Gardening Competition Opens Up To The Whole Country

Wilkinson Sword Garden Tools has extended a campaign designed to get school children gardening, by joining forces with Town & Country and increasing its reach to the whole country.

Wilkinson Sword is passionate about getting children into gardening and in 2016 it launched its school gardening campaign encouraging primary schools in Oxfordshire to get gardening. 2018 sees this campaign being extended throughout the whole country, and Wilkinson Sword has this year teamed up with Town & Country, which has a range of children’s gloves and wellington boots.

As part of the campaign, the winning school can win a £150 voucher to spend on tools from Wilkinson Sword and a £150 voucher from Town & Country to spend on gloves and wellies! On the day that the prize is awarded, the winning school will be visited by the sponsors alongside, 11 year old, Kelsi Rose. Kelsi is part of a gardening club that previously won the competition, and was, this year, nominated for the RHS young Gardener of the Year award. For six years Kelsi has contributed to the vibrant growing areas within her school community and further afield into the village community. She is passionate about gardening and is a real inspiration for getting children into the activity.

In order to take part, pupils are simply asked to design a fruit and vegetable garden for their school, which can either be done as a group exercise, or individually.

Mark Hewett, Garden Division General Manager for Wilkinson Sword and Town & Country, commented: “We are really excited about this project. We are passionate about getting children in the garden, and are confident that this will get them inspired and motivated about getting their hands dirty, and their tummies full of home grown food! We are really looking forward to seeing the designs.”

The team have enlisted the help of gardening expert, Martin Fish, to provide top tips and to be on the judging panel. Martin writes for several gardening publications including Garden News and Kitchen Garden, as well as being a RHS Garden Advisor, and a judge of show gardens and nursery displays at RHS shows.

Entry forms and Martin’s top tips to help schools get started have been sent out to primary schools across the country. If you would like to request an entry pack please email or tweet @WSGardenTools.