Wimborne Railway are delighted to welcome Wimborne Railway Society back with another fabulous exhibition on Tuesday and Wednesday 20th April . They will be bringing their two interactive layouts to our learning centre. If you are aged between 3 and 93 do come along and enjoy driving the trains. Entry is free for existing Annual Pass holders and included within Museum Admission ticket price. Francombe Fields has two tracks where drivers can stop and start at stations and drive as slowly or quickly as they choose. Francombe Fields is aimed at younger drivers. Granddad’s Puzzlement is a shunting puzzle where drivers help the ‘line controller’ sort wagons into the right sidings in the appropriate order. Spokesman Gordon Edgar commented, ‘The aim is to have fun and for our drivers to be successful so we adjust the complexity of the ‘puzzle’ to match the maturity of the driver. It is a huge privilege to see the smile on people’s faces as they take control on these two railways. Wimborne Railway Society has more exhibition quality layouts and meets at the United Reformed Church Hall, Chapel Lane, Wimborne on Tuesday evenings, for modelling, and Thursday evenings, for talks and other events, between 7.30pm and 10.00pm. if you are interested in trains or other forms of transport do come along.