Returning to work? Will your Dog cope?

Recent Google search data has shown on average 1,000 people on a monthly basis have google searched ‘how to calm an anxious dog’ which shows people's concerns for their pets and feeling uncomfortable about leaving them with many of us returning back to life before the pandemic hit.

Wellness experts, Eden’s Gate, have analysed these attitudes the dogs may have and have released the best top tips on how to relieve any stress your dogs may be feeling about you and your family returning to work. 


Experts Knowledge On Calming Your Dogs Once Returning To Work


Make your entrance and exits as low-key as possible -

As much as we all can’t wait to cuddle our pets once we return home to relax, you should consider that this sometimes could make your dog feel more anxious, they could perceive this extra affection as a reward. It is recommended to keep leaving the house and returning as normal as possible and cuddles to be once you and your dog are rested and content. 


Remind them of their independence -

Sometimes it is a great idea to seperate yourself from your dog even when you are at home. Try to spend time in separate rooms or pop them into their crate for a while to remind them that being left alone is okay and safe. If this is something that worries you, you can always ensure there are enough toys and comfy bedding for them as well as background music so they don’t feel confused. 


Introduce a routine - 

If you can, stick to the same times that you will be at home and when you will be leaving for work. After a while this will become recognisable to your pet and they will be expecting you to be gone for long periods at a time, leaving them less restless. On average 170 google searches have questioned ‘why is my dog anxious all of a sudden?’ and this could be due to a huge change in your pets day to day life. Ensure you find what routine best works for you and stick to it.


Ensure your dog has enough exercise - 

It is important for your dog to interact with other dogs and make some fur friends, a good walk/run also helps with your dog's energy levels resulting in rest and unwinding when returning home. 


Help to stimulate your pets brain - 

It is best to leave lots of toys for chewing and scratching, alongside puzzle toys such as food dispensary toys for extra little treats for your dog. This will give your dog something to amuse themselves with and also take their mind off the fact that you are not there. 


Keep patient -

If you are to return home and a few accidents have been made or things misplaced do not punish your dog for this. This is them simply showing you that they feel anxious or bored and this is their way of communicating this. With 1,700 google searches for ‘how to calm a dog down’ experts at Eden’s Gate recommend that instead of punishing your pet when it has done wrong, try to avoid these frustrations and reward them with a treat when they are well behaved and calm. 


Consider using technology to communicate - 

It is amazing now that you can purchase certain technology such as security cameras and smartphone connected toys to verbally speak to your pet. Most of these items have cameras and microphones fitted so you can check up on your animals and even reward them for behaving so well. This will definitely be useful for pacifying your own anxious feelings as well as your pets! 


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