Make a Conker spider - a fun, wet weather activity...
Conkers! Just the mere sight of these shiny, brown wonders, nestled in the grass , conjures up memories of our own childhoods; oh, the days when stringing up your prized conkers before heading into school, ready to bash them against your opponent’s strongest conker offerings….
Well, maybe the game of conkers isn’t allowed in this day and age but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other fun things to be done with these familiar autumnal finds. This weekend, we had a go at making a Conker Spider; the kids loved it and was sooooo easy….with no mess whatsoever (bonus!!) And, apparently, conkers help to keep spiders at bay…so this was one activity we were all very keen to try!
You Will Need: To get outside and hunt for the following…
Using a glue gun, (parents will need to be on hand for this part) let your children’s imaginations run wild as they create their own Conker Spider…
Put your conker spiders around the house and, hopefully the true-to-life-spiders will remain out of sight!!
Miranda x